What is a Chromebook? Why did we pick this device?
A Chromebook is like a laptop but is less expensive, lighter, and faster. It generally starts up in less than ten seconds, connects to Internet-based resources quickly, and provides six to eight hours of battery life.
Do all students get a Chromebook?
Yes, all 5th-12th grade students will receive a Chromebook for class and take-home purposes. Grades PreK-4th will have Chromebook devices in their classroom, these grades do not participate in device take-home.
How are Chromebook devices being funded?
The district is purchasing the devices. The addition of a $20 annual technology usage fee from each 5th-12th grade student will help offset a portion of the cost required for maintenance and day-to-day normal wear and tear and the procurement of new updated Chromebooks.
Will 1:1 Learning eliminate textbooks and/or associated costs?
The goal of 1:1 is to assist families and schools in reducing the need for as many supplies. While paper will still be used, the 1:1 program should help in starting to minimize the need for as many copies. Also, 1:1 will allow families more access to review class assignments and such through Google Classroom. Google Classroom documents can be accessed without the Internet.
How is one student’s Chromebook identified from another student?
All the Chromebooks look the same, so to identify your child's Chromebook district asset tags with bar codes will be on each device and each device has a serial number. The district keeps all that data, so if a Chromebook is misplaced, we can determine who it is assigned to get it back to the student user. Under no circumstances are students to modify, remove, or destroy identification labels. If the Chromebook name identification label or asset tag is removed, they need to request new labels from the school office. Students are asked NOT to personalize the Chromebook and/or Case with stickers, ink, or other permanent items. Any student violating their Chromebook identification is subject to disciplinary action.
What login will students use to get into the device operating system?
Students will each have an @chattco.org email address that is their primary login for the Chromebook. Usernames/Emails and Passwords are pulled from the Student Information System (PowerSchool). It is the student's responsibility to remember their login information. If you need assistance obtaining your log in a front office staff member or counselor will be able to assist.
My child forgot to charge their Chromebook before school. Now what?
5th - 12th Grade students are expected to charge their Chromebooks nightly at home and bring them to school fully charged. If one is available, students may be issued a loaner device for the day, which cannot be taken home. Loaners may not be available and your student may be without the Chromebook for the day.
How would you go about repairing a laptop that is not functioning?
Damaged or non-functioning devices should be turned in to the Media Center so a repair request can be submitted. A loaner will be given to the student while district technology staff members repair the issue in-house.
What happens if the device is lost, damaged, or stolen?
While some instances are uncontrollable the district will make the final decision if the loaner party is responsible for repairs and/or replacement. Please refer to the Chromebook Usage Handbook for parts cost and total replacement information.
What if another student damages my student’s device?
In such cases, circumstances will be investigated on a case-by-case basis. School administration and the School Resource Officer may be involved if it is suspected to be an intentional act or act of vandalism.
What type of security will be on the Chromebooks?
The District uses GoGuardian for reporting and filtering on and off-site. A no-cost parent app, GoGuardian, can be found on Google Play and Apple Store to assist in parental reporting.